I am a licensed FCI judge since 1977, from the start as a Schnauzer/Pinscher and Giant Schnauzer judge but later have added more breeds and you can see the breeds I am licensed for below.
Since my debute in 1978 I have judged at championship show level both att all breeds and breed shows in Scandinavia, England, Ireland, Australia and most European countries.
I am licensed for the following breeds in the FCI groups which may differ from countries not members in the FCI.


Grupp 1:

Grupp 2:

Grupp 3:

Grupp 5:

Grupp 8:

Grupp 10:


All breeds

All breeds

All Terriers (incl. Yorkshire Terrier)

Pharao hound
Ibican hound

Golden retriever
Labrador retriever
English cocker spaniel

All sighthounds (incl. Italian Greyhound)